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                                                                                                                    Wednesday 15 May 2019

                 Marché du Film

                        15  MAY                             INTERNATIONAL
                       11:00 – 12:30                        EVERY DAY, A FOCUS ON A PAVILION AT THE VILLAGE
                Leading your movie to success with big      INTERNATIONAL. TODAY, THE POLAND CINEMA PAVILION.
                  data and audience incentivisation
                   • James LEE (Contents Protocol) /
                         South Korea
                  • Michelle Jo (Contents Protocol) /
                         South Korea
                     Conference Room, Palais -1
                      CANNES XR

                       12:00 – 14:00
                   The Holy City World Premiere
                • The Holy City, presented by Holy City VR
                     Cannes XR Hub, Palais -1
                       14:00 – 16:00
                 Immersify challenges for immersive
                 content production in 8K and beyond
                    • From the Inside - A different
                   view of the Cathedral in Poznan
                   (PSNC - Poznan Supercomputting
                   and Networking Center) - Poland
                    • Pandarama (ARRI) - Germany                                                                                           © ÉRIC BONTÉ/1000IMAGES
                       17:30 – 19:00
                Cocktail LBE Summit by SpringboardVR
                     Conference Room, Palais -1                  Maria Jasozak, Wojciech Leszczynski and Maria Gradowska-Tomow (Polish Film Institute)
                       14:00 – 14:30
                    The LBE Landscape : LBE 101              THE POLISH FILM INSTITUTE THIS YEAR
                          Speaker                            INTRODUCED A PRODUCTION CASH REBATE
                   • Brad Scoggin (SpringboardVR) -
                      USA - @springboard_VR                  OF 30%, AND IT’S ALREADY SHOWING RESULTS.
                       14:30 – 15:30
                     Creating VR experiences                 IT’S PRINCIPAL GOAL IN CANNES IS TO PROMOTE
                      for location-based VR
                          Speakers                           THE SCHEME TO THE WORLD.
                  • Will Stackable (SpringboardVR) -
                       USA - @wstackable
                    • Kane Lee (Baobab Studios) -                   HE Polish Film     received applications for over €7m,”   Jury Prize in Cannes in 1957.
                      USA - @baobabstudios                          Institute (PISF)   Gradowska-Tomow says. “Our   “We are also organising several
                    • Antoine CAYROL (Atlas V) -
                       France - @Snookker                           supports around 200   expectations are high as there are   co-production meetings and
                  • Danilo Mauro Silva (Experlus VR) -              film projects every year,   some important projects in   cocktails with other countries —
                       USA - @experiusvr                     T including some 45       preparation and we are confident   and, as every year, we are also
                         Moderator                          feature films. It is also the   that we will use the money that’s   partner of the Producers Network.
                  • Jenna Seiden (Zambezi Partners) -       administrator of the 30% cash   available for 2019. We hope to   This year there will be a strong
                        USA - @jannan13
                                                            rebate system introduced earlier this   boost our industry to a new level in   presence of Polish producers in
                       16:00 – 17:00                        year. The PISF has an annual budget   terms of film budgets and the level   Cannes. Our aim is to provide them
                The business model for LBE narrative VR     of €100m, its aim to support   of technical advancement in   with a place to meet with partners
                          Speakers                          national film industry in Poland in   Poland.”        and to increase accessibility for
                     • Siqi Chen (Sandbox VR) -             all aspects including production,   Every day at the Polish Cinema   everyone interested in talking to us.”
                       Hong Kong - @blader
                  • Liz Rosenthal (Venice Film Festival/    promotion and dissemination of   Pavilion, starting 17 May, there is a   Looking ahead, Gradowska-Tomow
                      La Biennale di Venezia) -             film culture.              Q&A session dedicated to the   says the long-term goal for the PISF
                     Italy - @powertothepixel               In Cannes the PISF’s main goal is to   rebate scheme. At the Pavilion   “is to maintain the high artistic
                    • Antoine Cardon (DVGroup) -
                       France - @DV_Group                   promote the 30% cash rebate   Gradowska-Tomow and her   quality of Polish cinema and to
                         Moderator                          scheme — which, according to the   colleagues will also be celebrating   increase the level of professional
                  • Will Stackable (SpringboardVR) -        PISF’s international projects and   the work of Polish director Andrzej   development and marketing
                      USA - @springboard_VR                 festivals manager Maria Gradowska-  Wajda, who is being honoured   strategies of Polish producers. We
                       17:00 – 17:45                        Tomow, is “a game-changer for the   during the Cannes Classics film   have introduced several changes in
                                                                                       heritage programme with the
                                                                                                                  the way we assess projects according
                    Kaleidoscope’s development              Polish film industry. Also, we want
                      LBE focused showcase                  to promote Polish films, hoping to   screening of a fully restored print of   to this principle,” she says. “I am
                         Moderator                 ALL PHOTOS © ÉRIC BONTÉ/1000IMAGES  see them at important festivals   Kanal. The feature-length black-  sure that this will lead to a growth in
                  • René Pinnell (Kaleidoscope) - USA       throughout the year,” she says.  and-white film, shot in 1956 and   the presence of Polish films in
                                                                                                                  international distribution in the
                                                            The rebate is already attracting
                                                                                       telling the story of the final days of
                                                                                       the Warsaw rebellion of late
                                                            interest from around the world.
                                                                                                                  future.” ✦
                                                            “After just two months we have
                                                                                       September 1944, won the Special
                                                                                                                                  Julian Newby

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