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                                                                                                                      Tuesday 21 May 2019

                     Marché du film                         VILLAGE


                         12 :00 – 16 :00                    INTERNATIONAL
                        Media Meets Tech
                                                            EVERY DAY, A FOCUS ON A PAVILION AT THE VILLAGE
                         12:00 – 12:30
                           Day Kickoff                      INTERNATIONAL. TODAY, AFRICAN CINEMA PAVILION.

                         13:00 – 14:20
                         European Startups
                         @ Cannes Showcase
                         14:45 – 15:55
                  European Mediatech Accelerators
                       & Investors On Stage
                    Conference Room, Palais -1, Aisle 14
                         DOC DAY

                          9:30 – 12:00
                         Morning Session
                      Plage CNC – Gray D’Albion
                         15:30 – 17:30
                        Afternoon Session
                            Olympia 1

                         20:00 – 22:00
                      Closing Screening Solo,
                      By Artemio Benki (ACID)
                         Cinéma Les Arcades
                  SHOOT THE BOOK !
                                                                 The Cinemas d’Afrique team in Cannes                                      © DR
                         10:30 – 12:30
                     Shoot The Book ! Pitching
                      Ambassadeurs, Palais, Level 4          PAVILION CINEMAS D’ AFRIQUE
                         (by reservation only)
                                                             REPRESENTS FRENCH-SPEAKING
                         15:00 – 18:00
                     Shoot The Book ! Meetings               AFRICA IN CANNES.
                      Ambassadeurs, Palais, Level 4
                         (by reservation only)
                MEET THE STREAMERS                                  HIS year in Cannes,   soon-to-be inaugurated futuristic   Oubliés by Amédée Pacome
                                                                    there is a pavilion   tower looms over a suburb of Dakar.   Knoulou, a documentary from
                         15:00 – 18:00                              dedicated to French-  Ada,17, is in love with Souleiman, a   Gabon; Silence à Tombouktou by
                         Plage des Palmes
                         (by reservation only)                      speaking Africa,   young construction worker, but she   Boubakar Gabou, a documentary
                                                             T representing Togo,      has been promised to another man.   from Mali; Après Ta Révolte Ton Vote
                                                            Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Mali,   One night, Souleiman and his   by Kiswndsida Parfait Kabore, a
                                                            Gabon, Camaroon and Senegal. “It   co-worker leave the country by sea   documentary from Burkina Faso;
                                                            is the first time French-speaking   in search of a better future. Several   and On a Le temps Pour Nous, a
                                                            African countries have had a   days later, a fire ruins Ada’s wedding   completed film by Katy Lena
                                                            pavilion to promote their talents and   and a mysterious fever starts to   Ndiaye (Burkina Faso). In terms
                                                            industries,” says Aminata Diop   spread. Little does Ada know that   of this year’s programme: “We will
                                                            Johnson, CEO of Agence Culturelle   Souleiman has returned.                celebrate the presence of Mati Diop,
                                                            Africaine, the organiser of the   The pavilion has also selected a   as well as Joel Karekezi, the winner
                                                            pavilion. The pavilion is supported   number of feature-length films and   of Etalon D’Or at the African
                                                            by the Senegal Ministry of Culture   documentaries from Senegal,   Festival Fespaco 2019,” she says.
                                                            and the sponsors are Fepaci, Fopica,   Burkina Faso, Gabon, Mali and   “The pavilion highlights our talents,
                                                            TV5 Monde, OIF, Tourism Office   Togo and two projects from Rwanda   film development and
                                                            Senegal, African Development Bank   and Cameroon to promote. Some   co-production. It also helps us to
                                                            Group, Radio Télévision Sénégal,   are in development and some have   grow our network internationally. It
                                                                                       been completed. These include:
                                                                                                                  is also a unique place to showcase
                                                            CINEKAP, Ciné Guimbi, CNA,
                                                    ALL PHOTOS © ÉRIC BONTÉ/1000IMAGES  has also curated the programme and   feature in development following a   “We are delighted about the
                                                                                                                  our initiatives,” she adds.
                                                                                       Lambe (The Fight) by Allasane Sy, a
                                                            and Myriam Arab’s Villa134, which
                                                                                       young man from Dakar (UK/
                                                                                                                  pavilion. The industry in our
                                                            selected the projects. The pavilion is
                                                                                                                  countries is growing significantly
                                                            particularly celebrating Atlantics
                                                                                       Senegal); La Dernière Lettre du
                                                                                                                  with new talents emerging, as we
                                                                                       Facteur, a film in development by
                                                            from Senegal director Mati Diop,
                                                            which has been selected in the
                                                                                                                  can see through selections in
                                                                                       female director Sitou Ayité (Togo/
                                                            Official Competition. The story is
                                                                                       Ghana); Préjugé by Kady Traore,
                                                                                                                  important festivals.”✦
                                                            set on the Atlantic coast where a
                                                                                       (Burkina Faso); Les Planches des
                                                                                                                                  Liza Foreman

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