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NEWS                                                                                                 Monday 20 May 2019
                                                                                                                                   DAY 7

                 THE BUZZ
                 OF THE DAY                                                                                   FEMALE FINANCING
                                                                                                              INITIATIVE FINDS

                                                                                                              FEET ON CROISETTE
                  Telling the story of
                  her first film: Carla
                  Simon (centre) with
                  Alex Navarro and
                  Lucia Recalde of

                                                                                                                   Filmmakers Nina Menkes (Heatstroke)
                                                                                                              (left) and Deva Palmier (Finding Clive)  © DR
                                                                                                                   AUNCHING last year in a villa
                © DR                                                                                               outside of Cannes, with the
                                                                                                                   French-American actress and
                                                                                                                   choreographer Mia Frye
                 FIRST WOMEN ON THE MOVE DAY   L moderating, this year, for the
                 SHOWS THERE’S MORE TO BE DONE                                                                second edition of the ground-breaking,
                                                                                                              femme-centric financing initiative, Breaking
                                                                                                              Through The Lens, a new venue on the
                         HE FIRST Women on the   memories, Summer 1993 is widely   important” too. And while Simon’s story   Croisette, backing from sponsors, and a
                         Move day dedicated to   acclaimed as a moving depiction of life as   was inspiring to all aspiring women   strong round of female pitches has seen
                         women in the film sector   a child in an adult world and praised for   filmmakers, the findings of a study by   the programme establish itself in Cannes
                         took place in Cannes   exceptional performances by its two child   Collective 50/50 — a France-based   proper. A room full of potential backers
                  T yesterday. Organised by the   stars.                       organisation committed to equality in the   listened to 10 film pitches from female
                 European Commission’s MEDIA    Inevitably, commentary around the film   industry — revealed at the end of the first   filmmakers looking to complete financing
                 initiative, the opening session, Making   focused on the fact that it was written and   Women on the Move day, were less so.   for their projects. Pitches came from Queen
                 Your First Film a Success, featured an   directed by a young woman, something   For example, of the 646 films released in   of Diamonds helmer Nina Menkes for her
                 interview with Spanish director Carla   that is still regarded as exceptional in the   France between May 2018 and April 2019,   project Heatstroke — a thriller about
                 Simon, winner of the Goya Award for   film industry. “I was constantly asked by   19% were directed by women, 76% by   estranged sisters set in LA and Cairo. Rita
                 Best New Director in 2018.     journalists what it was like to be a woman   men and 5% had mixed direction. Film   Baghdadi presented documentary Sirens,
                 The Award was in recognition of her   making a feature film,” Simon told an   critics in France are divided similarly by   set in post-war Beirut, about five women
                                                                                                              becoming thrash-metal rock stars. Tina
                 debut feature Summer 1993, seen as one   audience at the MEDIA pavilion during   gender, with 37% women, 62% men and   Gharavi’s The Good Iranian, meanwhile, is
                 of the flagships of a young generation of   yesterday’s Women on the Move opening   1% unspecified. Of the 10,602 film reviews   a revenge thriller exploring horrific
                 Catalán filmmakers, many of whom are   session. “Well I couldn’t really answer,   written in this period, 31% were by   sisterhood. Alumni attending the event
                 women.                         because I didn’t know what it was like to   women, 58% by men and 11%   included filmmaker Deva Palmier whose
                 Studying film and communications at a   be a man in the same situation.” With   unspecified.  Collective 50/50 also revealed   Finding Clive is one of three films from last
                 number of academic institutions —  Valerie Delpierre (The Disinherited)   that, since the Cannes Film Festival became   year that have since completed financing.
                 including the University of Barcelona and   producing, talk of the film being an all-  the first festival to sign the 5050x2020   Menkes said: “As my producer Lizzy
                 the London Film School — Simon said it   female production persisted. But for   Pledge for Parity and Inclusion at Festivals   Bentley (A Hidden Life producer)
                 was the work of Michael Haneke that   Simon, it was simpler than that: “It just   charter one year ago, a further 47 festivals   mentioned, Terrence Malick has a lot of
                 inspired her to become an auteur   happened that the people I wanted to   have signed. Geographically, the majority of   money to support his vision. As someone
                 filmmaker. After a few short films, she   work with were women.”   those festivals are in Europe (35), nine are   who has received critical acclaim for my
                 found herself in the position of being able   MEDIA backing was key to getting the   in North America, one each in Latin   films, I have never had the benefits that
                 to start work on her first full-length   film made, Simon said. And being named   America, Oceania and Africa, with a zero   Malick has had. Lizzy is on board to get me
                 feature. Drawing on her childhood   Best First Film at the Berlinale was “super-  count so far in Asia.✦   Julian Newby   those conditions and to uplift all women
                                                                                                              that have been excluded from the
                                                                                                              filmmaking cannon since the beginning of
                                                                                                              time. That is now over. Goddess rules.”
                 VOLTAGE BANKS ON HARVEY KEITEL AND                                                           Emily Carlton, co-founder and chief
                 EMORY COHEN IN GANGSTER BIOPIC LANSKY                                                        operating officer of Breaking Through the
                                                                                                              Lens said:  “Cannes is the centre of the film
                                                                                                              world. Finance, we believe, is the number-
                 VOLTAGE PICTURES has taken on   aging crime boss Meyer Lansky is now   Executive producers are Voltage’s CEO   one barrier between female filmmakers
                 international sales on Eytan Rockaway’s   living in anonymity in Miami Beach. When   Nicolas Chartier and Jonathan Deckter   and the top of the industry. Our initiative
                 Lansky, starring Harvey Keitel as the   he enlists a young journalist to tell his   alongside Mark Holder, Christine Holder,   feels like taking the problem to the heart of
                 infamous gangster Meyer Lansky. Emory   story, the Feds use him to track down the   Lee Broda and Jeff Rice.   the issue and addressing it directly.” ✦
                 Cohen, Sam Worthington and Austin   hundreds of millions of dollars that   “Eytan’s talent and unparalleled access      Liza Foreman
                 Stowell are also starring. Alexandra   Lansky has been suspected of stashing   to the psyche of Meyer Lansky will
                 Daddario and Tony Danza are in talks to   away for over half a century. As Lansky   elevate Lansky to genre-best status,”
                 join the cast.                 tells his story, the journalist finds himself   Deckter said. “Under his stewardship,
                 Rockaway wrote the script, from a story   caught in the middle of a game of cat and   and with the gifted Sam, Austin and
                 by Ido Fluk and Sharon Mashihi, which   mouse, uncovering the truth about the   Emory leading the charge, we can’t wait   NEWS  THE  OFFICIAL  DAIL Y
                 was partially based on his father Robert   life of the notorious boss of Murder Inc.   to share this mind-blowing story with
                 Rockaway’s interviews with the real-life   and the National Crime Syndicate.   audiences. Rob and Jeff have put   JOIN
                                                                                                               JOIN US ON US ON
                 Meyer Lansky, part of his research into   Principal photography will begin in   together another exceedingly creative
                 American crime figures. Rockaway is a   August. Producers are Robert Ogden   and commercial project,” Deckter   FACEBOOK
                 history professor at Tel Aviv University.   Barnum and Jeff Hoffman with Rainmaker   added.✦
                 Investigated for decades by the FBI, the   Films’ Russell Geyser and Clay Pecorin.      Liza Foreman

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