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NEWS                                                                                                 Monday 20 May 2019
                                                                                                                                   DAY 7

                  Hansel and Gretel                                              CANNES



                © DR                                                                                                                        © DR
                 HANSEL AND GRETEL

                 MARKS FIRST OUTING                                            Your job title?                Majestic, Carlton
                                                                                                              or Airbnb?
                                                                               Head of sales & operations
                 FOR WIZART AND QED                                            at the Marché du Film.         Palais!

                        USSIAN animation producer   improved each new project and increased
                        Wizart presents its new   quality and budgets,” he said. “So we come   Astrological sign?  What would you
                        animation Hansel and Gretel at   to Hansel and Gretel with considerable               like to say to
                        the Marché du Film this year.   experience and knowledge and we believe   It stings.  Alejandro
                  R It’s the first project to be   that this will take the franchise to a totally             González Iñárritu?
                 co-produced under a new co-operation   new level. Today the main task for myself
                 between Wizart and QED International,   and my team is to make an animated                   Perro, te amo.
                 the US producer and distributor.   feature that will appeal to audiences around   You were born on…
                 “In addition to providing financial support   the world, but we also have to beat our own   The year of the horse.
                 to the project, QED will take responsibility   record and gross even more in box office
                 to strengthen the global exposure of jointly   than Snow Queen III.” Competing in the        Outside of Cannes
                 produced animation features,” producer at   animated feature market, facing giants like      what is your
                 Wizart Animation and leading producer on   Disney and DreamWorks, is no easy task,   Your three favourite films   favourite
                 the project Hansel and Gretel, Vladimir   but Nikolaev said Wizart has succeeded by   of the last 12 months?  film festival
                 Nikolaev said. As with it’s international hit   following the audience. “We conduct a full   The Favourite by Yorgos   and why?
                 franchise Snow Queen, Nikolaev said the   analysis of their reaction after each release.   Lanthimos, Grâce à Dieu by   Venice for the magic of the
                 company is “equally attentive to both the   This helps us to understand what aspects
                 original story and the humour and   should be improved and then we carry out   François Ozon and Creed II by   place and because you can
                 dynamics that are necessary in modern   those improvements,” Nikolaev said. “Such   Steven Caple Jr.  arrive two minutes before the
                 screen versions”. He added: “As with the   an approach allows us to expand the               screenings and get in.
                 first Snow Queen, we’re expanding the   audience and compete with the films with
                 universe, bringing in new characters,   larger production and marketing budgets.”   What can we expect from
                 making the children not victims, but   In Cannes Wizart is introducing Hansel and   your organisation   Are the digital
                 adventure hunters — and adding humour.”   Gretel to international buyers at the Made   at Cannes this year?  platforms
                 A global success, with fourth feature Snow   In Russia stand in the Palais des Festivals.
                 Queen: Mirrorlands due at the end of the   Made In Russia promotes and raises   That Cannes happens.   the future of
                 year, Nikolaev said the franchise was   awareness of Russia’s exports, business and          the cinema
                 initially a slow-burner for the company.   culture in both domestic and foreign              industry?
                 “We moved conservatively, adhering to the   markets. ✦                                       Part of the future, yes.
                 spirit of the original tale. Then we gradually      Julian Newby  When do you
                                                                               usually go to bed
                                                                               on a typical
                                                                               night during                   What are your
                                                                               the Festival?                  post-Festival
                                                                               Two in the morning.
                                                                                                              The French Open.

                                                                               Where are your
                                                                               favourite                      How many stamps
                                                                               spots to dine                  on your passport?
                                                                               in Cannes?
                                                                                                              Definitely not enough!
                                                                               McDonald’s of course.

                                                                                                              How long did it take
                                                                               Your weirdest Cannes           you to answer
                                                                               moment?                        these questions?
                                                                               Having my burger stolen by a   Definitely more than
                                                                               seagull.                       expected!
                  10 years of All Rights Entertainment: the Hong Kong-based sales company
                © DR  celebrated its 10th anniversary in Cannes.

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