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                                                                                                                    Wednesday 15 May 2019

 Wednesday 15 Mayednesday 15 May

                 DEERSKIN [Opening] (Premiere)  Sales: Kinology (20bis Rue Des Serbes)
                 France, 100’, Black comedy.    Section: Critics’ Week
                 Théâtre Croisette              Director: Franco Lolli
                 Sales: Wtfilms (32 Rue Des Serbes (B), 6th   Casting: Carolina Sanin, Leticia Gomez,
                 Floor)                         Antonio Martinez, Vladimir Duran
                 Section: Directors’ Fortnight  Synopsis: In Bogota, Silvia, a single mum and
                 Director: Quentin Dupieux      a lawyer, is implicated in a corruption scandal.
                 Casting: Jean Dujardin, Adèle Haenel  A deeper anxiety weighs on her as well. Leticia,
                 Synopsis: A man leaves everything behind to   her mother, is seriously ill. Upon having to face
                 buy the jacket of his dreams. But his obsession   her inevitable passing, Silvia embarks on a love
                 with his 100% deerskin jacket will push him   story for the first time in years.
                 into a bloody spiral...        Next screening: 16 May, 08:30, Bunuel
                 Next screening: 16 May, 11:30, Olympia 6
                                                AS HAPPY AS POSSIBLE (Premiere)
                 20:00                          France, Portugal, 92’, Drama.
                                                Arcades 1 (Priority Badges Only)
                                                Sales: Udi - Urban Distribution International
                 THE DEAD DON’T DIE (Premiere)
                 USA, 103’, Horror.             (L2)
                 Olympia 1                      Section: ACID
                 Sales: Focus Features (USA)    Director: Alain Raoust
                 Section: In competition        Synopsis: Salome gets a summer job in a junk-
                 Director: Jim Jarmusch         yard somewhere in the country side. Under a
                 Casting: Bill Murray, Chloë Sevigny, Adam   western sun, in this place out of the world, her
                                                teenage rebellion springs up. From unexpected
                 Driver, Selena Gomez, Tilda Swinton, Caleb   encounters to shared sorrows, arise promises of
                 Landry Jones, Steve Buscemi
                 Synopsis: The peaceful town of Centerville   a new life.
                 finds itself battling a zombie horde as the dead   Next screening: 18 May, 11:30, Lerins 2
                 start rising from their graves.

                 EASY RIDER (Premiere)
                 USA, 85’, Drama.               LES 400 COUPS
                 Salle Buñuel                   99’.
                 Sales: Cannes Classics         Plage Macé
                 Section: Cannes Classics       Section: Cinéma de la plage
                 Director: Dennis Hopper        Director: François Truffaut
                 Casting: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack   Casting: Jean-Pierre Leaud
                 Synopsis: Restored in 4K by Sony Pictures   22:00
                 Entertainment in collaboration with Cineteca di
                 Bologna. Restored from the 35mm Original
                 Picture Negative and 35mm Black and White   BACURAU (Premiere)
                 Separation Masters. 4K scanning and digital   Brazil, France, 132’, Thriller.
                 image restoration by L’Immagine Ritrovata.   Grand Théâtre Lumière
                 Audio restoration from the 35mm Original   Sales: SBS International (Building Comoran 2,
                 3-track Magnetic Master by Chace Audio and   1st Floor)
                 Deluxe Audio. Colour grading, picture conform,   Section: In competition
                 additional image restoration and DCP by   Director: Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano
                 Roundabout Entertainment. Colourist: Sheri   Casting: Barbara Colen, Sonia Braga, Udo Kier
                 Eisenberg. Restoration supervised by Grover   Synopsis: A few years from now… Bacurau, a
                 Crisp.                         small town in the Brazilian sertão, mourns the
                 Jack Nicholson portrays an alcoholic attorney   loss of its matriarch, Carmelita, who lived to be
                 who hooks up with two part-time, drug-dealing   94. Days later, its inhabitants notice that their
                 motorcyclists (Fonda and Hopper) in search of   community has vanished from most maps.
                 their “American Dream.” Heading from   Next screening: 16 May, 08:30, Lumiere
                 California to New Orleans, they sample the
                 highs and lows of America the beautiful in a
                 stoned-out quest for life’s true meaning.   BACURAU (Premiere)
                 Nominated for an Academy Award® (1969) for   Brazil, France, 132’, Thriller.
                 Best Screenplay (written by Peter Fonda, Dennis   Théâtre Claude Debussy (Press screening)
                 Hopper and Terry Southern).    Sales: SBS International (Building Comoran 2,
                                                1st Floor)
                                                Section: In competition
                 LITIGANTE [Opening] (Premiere)  Director: Kleber Mendonça Filho, Juliano
                 France, Colombia, 93’, Drama.  Dornelles
                 Miramar                        Casting: Barbara Colen, Sonia Braga, Udo Kier

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