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SCREENINGS                                                                                         Wednesday 15 May 2019
                                                                                                                                   DAY 2


                                                            Wednesday 15 May

                 of being.
                 Next screening: 19 May, 11:30, Olympia 6


                 AREN’T YOU HAPPY?
                 Germany, 79’, First film.
                 Lerins 1
                 Sales: Coproduction Office (Paris) (L8) +33 4
                 92 993314
                 Section: Market
                 Director: Susanne Heinrich
                 Casting: Marie Rathscheck
                 Synopsis: A girl roams through the city looking
                 for a place to sleep. Along the way she meets
                 young mothers who celebrate motherhood reli-
                 giously, goes home with an abstinent existen-
                 tialist for whom sex is “just another market”,
                 and waits for the end of capitalism in a drag
                 bar. Her attempt to write a book doesn’t make
                 it beyond the first sentence of the second chap-
                 ter, and she finds no space between art galler-
                 ies, yoga studios and the beds of strangers.
                 Instead of trying to fit in, she starts regarding
                 her depression as a political issue. Through 15
                 of the girl’s humorous encounters, Aren’t ou
                 Happy? explores our post-modern society
                 between precarity and marketing, serial
                 monogamy and neo-spirituality, disillusionment
                 and the pressure to be happy. Susanne
                 Heinrich’s debut film brings together pop and                                                             Bull by Annie Silverstein  © DR
                 theory, feminism and humour.
                 Next screening: 18 May, 18:15, Riviera 2
                                                BODIES AT REST                 BARGE PEOPLE (Premiere)        Arcades 1
                 10:00                          China, Hong Kong (China), 94’, Action/  USA, 87’, Horror.     Sales: Gaumont (2 Rue Bivouac Napoleon)
                                                                               Palais E
                                                                                                              +33 4 93 68 90 20
                                                Olympia 4                      Sales: Raven Banner Entertainment (G23)  Section: Market
                 WILD BUNCH PROMO (Premiere)    Sales: Media Asia Film / Media Asia   Section: Market         Director: Mohamed Hamidi
                 Unknown.                       Distribution (7 La Croisette, #601)   Director: Charlie Steeds  Casting: Kad Merad, Alban Ivanov, Céline
                 Arcades 2 (Priority Badges Only)  +85293118444                Synopsis: Set on the canals amid the glorious   Sallette, Sabrina Ouazani
                                                                               British countryside, two sisters and their
                                                Section: Market
                 Sales: Wild Bunch (5 Square Mérimée – 1er   Director: Renny Harlin  boyfriends head off for a relaxing weekend   Synopsis: After its football team is disqualified
                 Étage)                         Casting: Nick Cheung, Richie Jen, Zi Yang  away on a barge, unaware of the flesh-eating   for insulting a referee during a major game, a
                 Section: Market                Synopsis: A cat-and-mouse game unfolds over   fish mutants lurking in the water, ready and   small country town risks losing its funding
                 Next screening: 16 May, 10:00, Olympia 8  a single night when three armed criminals   waiting to feed.  along with its field. To avoid this disaster, there
                                                barge into a morgue, demanding the forensic                   is only one solution: creating a new team made
                                                doctor and his assistant to hand over a bullet                up exclusively of women to defend the city’s
                 SIBLINGS OF THE CAPE (Premiere)                               FLAWLESS (Premiere)            colours! But in a community where football has
                 Japan, 89’, Drama.             lodged inside a corpse.        Israel, Germany, 97’, Drama.   always been an activity reserved for men, these
                 Gray 3 (Press Allowed)                                        Palais I
                 Sales: Asmik Ace, Inc (23,01)  INNOCENT (Premiere)            Sales: Beta Cinema (Goeland Entrance)   women’s new status will be sure to shake up
                 Section: Market                France, 88’, Comedy.           +4917610312646                 the daily lives of the town’s residents…
                 Director: Sinzo Katayama       Palais C                       Section: Market                Next screening: 17 May, 18:00, Palais K
                 Casting: Yuya Matsuura, Misa Wada,   Sales: California Pictures (C5) +13104665106  Director: Sharon Maymon, Tal Granit
                 Masayasu Kitayama              Section: Market                Casting: Stav Straschko, Netsanet Zenaneh   ALL ABOUT YVES (Premiere)
                 Synopsis: Yoshio lives with his sister Mariko   Director: Marc-André Lavoie  Mekonnen, Noam Lugasy, Micha Selektar, Arad   France, 107’, Comedy.
                 who suffers from a mental disorder. When   Casting: Dorothée Berryman, Bobby Beshro,   Triffon Reshef, Niv Sultan, Asi Levy  Arcades 3 (Priority Badges Only)
                 Yoshio gets fired from his job, he schemes to   Emmanuel Bilodeau  Synopsis: Three 17-year-old girls navigate the   Sales: Le Pacte (M21)
                 make money by forcing his sister into prostitu-  Synopsis: Francis is a nice, ordinary guy with a   daily indignities of high school using razor-  Section: Market (Directors’ Fortnight)
                 tion. But things don’t go as he planned.  propensity to get into trouble in spite of him-  sharp wit to shield their vulnerabilities. .
                                                self: a dispute with his brother-in-law over a   Next screening: 19 May, 10:00, Palais I  Director: Benoît Forgeard
                                                winning lottery ticket; a conflict with a wanted              Casting: William Lebghil, Doria Tillier
                 HEBRON DON’T DIE PLEASE! (Premiere)  criminal over funeral urns; attempts to aid his   11:30  Synopsis: Jerem decides to settle at his grand-
                 Taiwan, 88’, Documentary.      elderly neighbour, his new tenant, and the ex                 ma’s place to compose his first album. There, he
                 Gray 5                         he is still in love with, every time with                     meets So, a mysterious investigator working on
                 Sales: Swallow Wings Films Co.,Ltd.  unexpected (and certainly not positive)   QUEENS OF THE FIELD (Premiere)  behalf of the startup Digital Cool.
                 Section: Market                consequences.                  France, 94’, Comedy.           Next screening: 18 May, 17:30, Arcades 3

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